We take additional steps to ensure that we go above and beyond the safety requirements. Each customer is provided with their own personal products such as: nail file, buffer, cuticles pusher, toe separators, flip flops, and pumice bar. We also ensure that all equipment are properly sterilized. To maximize your protection, each spa pedicure basin is covered with a disposable liner. This gives you more reassurance that you are secure with us. At Couleur, you will experience our relaxing massage, serene atmosphere and will leave with beautiful nails.
Warm neck pillow,
Sea salt bath,
Sugar scrub w fresh lemons,
7 minutes massage w/2 hot towel.
Warm neck pillow
Sea salt bath
Sugar scrub w fresh orange and lemons. Mask w/hot towel.
10 minutes massage w/ 2 hot stone
Choose your favorite:
Hemp Relax, Freesia, Cherry Blossom, Green Tea, Jasmine Soothe, Tangerine Twist, Olive Sensation, Lemon Quench, Eucalyptus Energy Boost, Mango Delight, Vitamin Recharge, Charcoal Powder Detox, Chocolate Love, Honeydew & Cucumber, Lavender
Warm neck pillow,
Sea salt bath,
Sugar scrub fresh orange and lemons, Mask 15 minutes massage w/ 4 hot stone, Paraffin treatment or heat collagen sock.
Choose your favorite:
Vanila, Mint Mimosa, Raspberry Lavender Sorbet
Warm neck pillow
Sea salt bath
Sugar scrub fresh orange and lemons, Mask 17 minutes massage w/ 4 hot stone, Paraffin treatment or heat collagen sock.
Choose your favorite:
Sunshine Quench, Slim & Firm, Moisture Soothe, Mentha Fusion, Detox Pure, Pearl, Green Tea & Honey
Warm neck pillow
6 Step treatment
Collagen sugar scrub w fresh orange and lemons.
Collagen cream mask
Collagen sock or paraffin treatment Warm towels
20 minutes w/ 6 hot stone foot massage.
Choose your favorite:
Sweet Orange, Lavender & Lace, Crystal Water, No.5 perfume
C. HERBAL PEDICURE (Organic ingredients), $65
Warm neck pillow,
Soak w/Essential oil,
Gentle Exfoliate w scrub and fresh orange and lemons.
Soothing w mask
Collagen sock or paraffin treatment Warm towels, 18’ massage oil w/ 6 hot stone massage, hydrate relaxing w/ Le’K lotion to prevent SARS-COV-2-spread and infection.
Choose your favorite:
Lavender, Exhilarating java, sweet passion fruit, Rejuvenation, Renewing rose

The FIRST FDA APPROVED - PREVENTING FUNGUS AND BACTERIA. Revitalize yourself with our immunity boosting, whether you have sensitive skin or in need soothing treatment and extreme relaxing with Le’K Immune- T/Essential-Dm/CBD Pure Calm Treatment. All Our Spa Pedicure treatments are multiple- step pampering rituals that include cleaning, shaping, cuticle care, nourishing, massage, buffering and choice of polish.
Enjoy warm neck wrap
Sea salt soak.
Enhance immune system and fight off bacteria w Le’K scrub w fresh orange and lemons.
Seal hydration and soothing with Le’K mask.
Paraffin and Hot wrap towel- maintain soft sulking looking skin.
Finishing your pedicure w / 10 minutes of 2 hot stone feet massage w/ relaxing Le’K lotion to prevent SARS-COV-2- spread and infection.
Enjoy warm neck wrap.
Sea salt soak.
Enhance immune system and fight off bacteria w Le’K scrub w fresh orange and lemons.
Seal hydration and soothing with Le’K mask. Paraffin or collagen sock and Hot wrap towel- maintain soft sulking looking skin. Finishing your pedicure w/ 15 minutes of 4 hot stone massage w/ relaxing Le’K lotion to prevent SARS-COV-2-spread and infection.
Enjoy warm neck wrap.
Sea salt soak.
Enhance immune system and fight off bacteria w / Le’K scrub, fresh orange and lemons.
Seal hydration and soothing with Le’K mask. Paraffin or collagen sock and Hot wrap towel- maintain soft silky looking skin. Foot cream – prevent dry, damaged feet and suitable for all skin types.
Finishing your pedicure w 20 minutes of feet massage w/ 6 hot stone, relaxing Le’K lotion to prevent SARS-COV-2-spread and infection.
Salt soak: Mint & Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Lavender & Chamomile
Sugar scrub: Pomegranate Walnut, green tea walnut, Lavender & Chamomile soothing
Cream mask: Mint & Eucalyptus Cream mask, mint & eucalyptus cooling mask, lavender & chamomile soothing mask
Lotion: lemon-lime healing therapy, green tea healing, lavender & chamomile calming
Warm neck pillow.
Vino Anti- Aging Scrub (gently exfoliates to reveal smooth, radiant skin while replacing moisture, leaving your skin looking youthful. Aids in the removal of dead skin cells. Help clarity, refresh, calm, detoxify and soothe skin.
Paraffin or collagen sock and Hot wrap towel.
Vino Anti-Aging Collagen & fine wine mask (this high-quality anti-aging mask uses ingredients such as collagen and resveratrol, helping boost the skin’s elasticity, firmness and neutralizes free radical damage-leading to less wrinkles, fine lines, resulting in a plumper, younger looking complexion.
25 minutes w/8 hot stone massage w/Vino Anti- Aging cream (Powerful antioxidants that help protect, quickly penetrates the skin. Softens skin help skin retain moisture and fights the aging process. helps prevent premature aging, soothes skin inflammation, and stimulates circulation throughout the skin.
Vino Anti-Aging Serum (Revitalizes skin’s outer surface layer, resulting in softer, smoother and radiantly hydrated skin. Replenishes skin to enhance a healthy, supple look and feel on hand and feet. Hyaluronic acid is a vital naturally occurring substance that supports the youth-supporting matrix, keeping every aspect of the skin stable, safeguarded and constantly renewed.
Make an appointment
Do you have a question or would you like to book an appointment?
Call us at: (281) 762-1325 or send us an email at couleurnailbar@gmail.com
Business Hours
Monday - Saturday: 9 am to 7 pm
Sunday: 10 am to 5 pm